Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Term 3 Update!

Hello there, we have had a busy few weeks at school.
Room 9 went to the Museum to see Lynley Dodd's exhibition. She is the author of the Hairy Maclary books and the students in Room 9 got to draw their favourite character. We were greeted by Slinky Malinky who showed us around. We have some fantastic artists in our class!

We had Fluffy the Guinea Pig who belongs to Mrs H's daughter come for a visit. We thought she was great and cute. She was black, white and ginger. Fluffy got free and started exploring the classroom, she even left some wee surprises for us!

Room 9 celebrated Daffodil day in style! We danced along to Zumba and enjoyed all the festive colours! 

Spring has given us the perfect opportunity to be outside more. We spent a writing session outside, writing about all the sounds we could hear, I was simply AMAZED by the work written! 

Last Friday we had our wonderful Grandparents in, and we showed them around the school and took them to the library for morning tea, yum! They showed us old inventions and it was really interesting, thanks for all the help! 

It was also Kaiden's birthday on Tuesday! He turned 7, we helped make cupcakes to celebrate, we also had a yummy apple and some chips! Happy Birthday Kaiden!