Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Weeks 1-3, Term 4

A warm welcome back! Room 9 has had a busy few weeks.

We have had a visit by renowned NZ author, Kate de Goldi, added another layer onto our awesome potatoes, planted some tomato, zucchini and capsicum plants as well as having a cricket coach in for an afternoon of fun!

We have been exploring musical instruments from around the world and have been listening to music from all over the globe including Mexico, Australia, Japan, Ireland, India, Mongolia and Great Britain. We have seen and written about a Didgeridoo and Drums.

We have also been reading lyrics as part of our reading programme- here is the video from our song from this week.

Trinity has also joined our class and she is a delight to have in class, our students are being great friends for her.

Enjoy the pictures and we hope you look forward to our next update!

Ka Kite,
From Room 9.

1 comment:

  1. What awesome gardeners you are! Welcome to Trinity. Thanks for the update, it's great to hear what you've been up to.
